On Nov. 2, North Haven’s sophomore runner Kelsey “Crazylegs” Jones demolished her previous best on the University of Maine at Augusta’s championship cross-country course by 1:27 to take third place in the state Class D championships.

It was a team effort, though not in the usual sense. Because she competed most of the fall as our only Hawk runner, her team was her family and close friends. They provided complete support and encouragement. On a personal note, I would add that, as a coach, I’ve never before had just one athlete to coach, something between having a business partner – out workouts were definitely all business – and a friend, with a one-to-one bond. Kelsey had to be pretty well motivated to commit herself totally, as she did, to training with a, uh, gray-haired, balding, skinny 65-year ol’ agitator day after day after day.

Four days a week we ran every step together, the repeat hill workouts on the road, the long sprints. We never walked during workouts. Because of Kelsey’s strong preparation over the summer, we started the hard stuff early, by late August. Running together, she had more speed, I had more strength. But by season’s end, she had become incredibly strong and outran me most of the time. She and I knew she was ready for a great effort. And that’s exactly what she gave. It was a great moment for all of us.

“Crazylegs” settled into ninth position after the first half mile. With the eventual first two finishers moving ahead, a pack of seven jousted for third place. On each of the two major hills she gained ground on this 3.1 mile (5k) course. Emerging from the woods for the final half-mile she held third, but less than a stride ahead of Richmond’s Kelley Gray. Knowing Kelley’s fearsome sprint speed, “Crazylegs” worked to open a gap; eight yards, ten yards, 15 with a quarter-mile to go, 20 yards, 25. Up the last short hill sprinting for the finish with everything she had, Kelley gaining furiously behind her. “Crazylegs” crossed the finish line, ahead by two seconds!