The federal First Circuit Court of Appeals in August upheld a lower court decision ruling that will seriously curtail operations at pens belonging to Stolt Sea Farm and Atlantic Salmon of Maine.

The ruling orders the two firms to phase out European hybrid salmon stocks and to “fallow” operations for the next several years.

Exactly what “fallow” means is not clear, according to Steve Page, compliance officer for Atlantic Salmon of Maine. “We’re evaluating the order,” he said. “And on the whole it’s difficult to say just how much economic impact this decision will have.” He added that ASM has no plans to appeal the court’s decision.

Shirley Roach-Albert, vice president of east coast operations for Stolt Sea Farm, says that it’s “highly unlikely that we’ll appeal.” She adds, “Obviously, we’ll be placing less fish in Eastport. Beyond that, we can’t say what’s going to happen. As we read the order, we’re facing a two-year fallow period.”