Timothy Burris, a Great Diamond Island resident who teaches at the Portland Conservatory of Music, will take part in an evening of 17th century music for lute and vocals from the Italian, English, and French traditions. Lutist Timothy Burris and tenor Timothy Neill Johnson will be collaborating on a diverse array of music from these three musical traditions.

The concert is scheduled for Friday, May 14, at 7:30 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal Church, located at 113 Coyle Street (on the corner of Forest Avenue) in Portland. From 4:30 to 7:30 ticket holders may view an exhibit of Maine made fine violins and lutes at Trinity Episcopal Church. Exhibitors include Jonathan Cooper, Don Roy, Todd Goldenberg and Kevin McElroy.

Burris is a graduate of both the Royal Conservatory of Music in The Hague and Duke University, where he earned his Ph.D. In addition to his appearances with Liuto e Voce, Mr. Burris has performed extensively in Holland, France, Italy, Germany, and the United States, including concert appearances with Derek Lee Ragin, Julianne Baird, Paul Elliott, and Jennifer Lane. As a soloist Mr. Burris specializes in the early Italian and late German baroque. Mr. Burris has participated in six CD recordings, including his most recent, Divoti Affetti. He was lute instructor at the Royal Flemish Conservatory of Music in Antwerp from 1990 – 1996.

Tickets cost $15, $12 for seniors and students, are available at the Portland Conservatory of Music, and will also be on sale immediately before the concert.