To the editor:

Essays such as “Mainland Security” (WWF June 04) often arouse the instant ire of political correctoids who have decided that they along occupy the moral heights and woe be to those crossing their political Rubicon, or in this case the Vinalhaven Line. I sincerely feel that as likely as not the writers of such letters had only just returned from another “Million Mom” march in their “Ralph Nader or Bust”-festooned Volvo wagons after having made a brief stop at the local Zany Brainy store to participate in the “Violent Toy Turn-in.” Having been morally over-inflated even before the aforementioned feel-good frenzy, their shock upon opening Working Waterfront to the “Mainland Security” essay could not have been more complete. Is it any wonder they nearly gagged on their organically grown vegetables, tearing their “less than 50 percent child labor content” sweaters in the rush past the “This is a Smoke Free House” sign only to arrive at the computer in a state of emotional stupefaction? In all probability Mr. Crossman’s hurtful comments were the primary cause behind (no pun intended) their sudden rush for the Metamucil, eager to flush their systems, arise from the throne and re-assume the pulpit. Yes, they were now ready to launch the missives that would shame Mr. Crossman into suddenly recalling that he indeed has a Cousin Mohammed.

Kenneth Kogan

Warrington, PA