The Beacon Project of Islesboro is looking for an energetic and organized person to fill the challenging position of administrator of Boardman Cottage. As construction of the building moves along toward a spring completion goal, we estimate that the administrator will have to begin work in March 2005 in order to have our operating license and policies and procedures in place in time for us to open this summer.

This position is a full time job with benefits, and housing is available on site if needed.

Duties include:

* Obtaining and maintaining our license

* Ensuring compliance with frequently changing state regulations

* Writing and administering policies and procedures

* Managing all the operations of Boardman Cottage

* Hiring and supervising staff

* Working with clients and their families

To do this job well, a person must have a desire to work with the elderly and excellent communication skills, both written and verbal. Organization and efficiency are important, but so is flexibility. Extensive training is involved, both for initial preparation for the job and for ongoing updates on state regulations. Therefore, the Administrator will sometimes be away from the island overnight.

We will also be looking for Personal Care Attendants to assist residents, prepare meals and take care of the home. These positions can be full-time or part-time. Training in CPR and medication administration will be required.

If you are interested in learning more about these jobs, or if you know someone else who might be, please give one of us a call. We’d love to hear from you.

Sharon Daley * 734-6472

Bonnie Hughes * 734-6440