To the editor:

…[L.D. 299] is a constitutional amendment that would allow new laws to be made that would treat waterfront land use for commercial fishing like Tree Growth land. While this would be good for preserving and increasing waterfront access for commercial fishing, it could increase the tax burden on others if the state doesn’t reimburse towns for lost tax revenue. This is what happens on Vinalhaven with the Tree Growth program. We lose tens of thousands of dollars in tax revenue and receive little or no reimbursement from the state. Also, if the program isn’t limited to commercial fishermen who own waterfront property it could allow anyone who provides use of their waterfront property for commercial fishing to get the tax break too. So towns like Vinalhaven could suffer a greater tax revenue loss to this program than what it does to the Tree Growth program. I hope those promoting L.D. 299 to voters get the questions of who makes up for the lost tax revenue and who will qualify for the tax break answered before L.D. 299 passes, not after.

Eric N. Davis


In May the Island Institute board of trustees, of which Mr. Davis is a member, voted unanimously in support of LD 299. The letter published here, he explains, doesn’t indicate a change in his position but simply urges voters to consider the implications of the LD 299 referendum question. — ed.