To the editor:
I am an inspector for the MDOT and I will be onsite at the Ocean Gateway Project full time until the completion of the project.
You did a wonderful article in your last issue and I’ve posted the article on the wall here in my office…
The Design Team for Ocean Gateway is also the DT for Riverwalk.
The condo project will be adding more to Hancock Street…
The Westin project is an old love of mine as I’ve built three concrete and brick hotels of seven stories.
Of course, having grown up in Portland…I am excited to see the development of such an underdeveloped resource as this working waterfront.
I remember fishing off of the broken-down piers back in the 60s. Oftentimes we were warned by the “old salts” that the planks would break beneath us. We were quite good at avoiding holes and rotten planks.
Once again, thanks for the wonderful article.
Bruce Brown