To the editor:


I am writing in response to your article by Sandy Oliver regarding our long lost Crown Pilot Crackers.

Here on the east end of Long Island other than summer people (or the “summer complaint”) there is a hard core of locals who know a good chowder cracker when they see one. My wife found a box quite a while ago in one of our local chain stores. We were so excited about this find that we placed the box in a safe place above the stove waiting for a proper mess of clams to make a chowder. We waited too long before opening the box, and damned if they hadn’t soaked up various cooking flavors.

I had to heave them out on the lawn. Seagulls came from far and near to fight with the crows over the remains. My wife and I were heartbroken at this chain of events. We still look for Crown Pilot crackers, which seem to have gone the way of “hard tack” of our youth. We will keep an eye out.


Donald S. Seabury

Southampton, NY