In response to the article, “New Brunswick sea lice pesticide treatment generates opposition (Working Waterfront, August 2009), we received a letter from Dr. David Suziki, a Canadian scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster.

The ocean is not a garbage can

I believe the use of chemical pesticides to “manage” anything in the wild is folly. Insecticides and herbicides target a wide array of species beyond the pests we try to eliminate. The consequence is that we are using air, water and soil as a toxic dump, killing countless non-target species, polluting the surroundings and reverberating through ecosystems by biomagnification. I believe ocean aquaculture in which waste from net pens and chemicals such as antibiotics and anti-fouling substances are allowed to flow into the ocean should not be allowed.  Short-term studies for toxicity are not relevant or useful for long term ecological impact tests. We should not use the ocean as if it is a limitless garbage can.