The Year in Review

2011 was notable, among other reasons, for the release of reams of data from the 22nd U.S. Census. For purposes of understanding how we are doing as a nation, or as a state or as a group of communities, such as the Maine islands, there is nothing that even comes close to this authoritative compilation.

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L.P.A. Marine Wins New Cat Truck

Coley Mulkern, owner of Lionel Plante Associates, a maritime transport company on Peaks Island, is very happy his 19-year-old nephew is an avid reader. He spotted an ad to win a new Cat truck in a trade publication and convinced his uncle to enter. Mulkern, who uses Cat machines on a daily basis, thought they

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Fox I Printworks

If you walk past downtown Main Street on North Haven island, past Waterman’s Community Center and the old laundromat, there’s a new sign hanging up in the once-empty house known as “Etta’s Place” on Iron Point Road. The sign reads “Fox I Printworks”—a new screen-printing business that has recently set up shop. On any given

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Is There An Island Culture?

When Hurricane Irene was off the North Carolina coast pin-wheeling her way toward the islands of the Outer Banks, a number of Maine islanders emailed island friends on Harkers and Okracoke Islands to send their hopes and prayers that the islanders might be spared the worst of her fury. One Harkers islander wrote back a

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