Domestic Field Notes

He knew better. But he was tired. As if that were an excuse. It was bedtime at the end of a long day when the field naturalist’s wife announced that there was a rodent in the bedroom, which they were going to have to catch before they could climb into bed. Such are the portents

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Eastport Boat School to be Run Locally

One thing is for sure, Eastporters have a soft spot in their hearts for the Boat School. Through ups and downs in enrollment and changes in management, the city has supported the facility. Last year, David Marlow of Marlow Yachts (see “Eastport to Sell Boat School” February/March, 2011) courted the community with a plan for

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Give Us This Day…

One of the things that still stands out from my senior year in college is learning to make English muffins from my roommate, Meg. Before the muffins could be made, she stirred flour, water and yeast together, letting it stand for two days at room temperature, creating a “starter” for the muffin dough. It was

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Oceanic Center Proposed in Harpswell

Through an improbable series of events—a hip replacement gone bad, a visit with a college friend not seen in 55 years, an impromptu trip to George J. Mitchell Field—two marine biologists with a combined 93 years’ experience in aquaculture and other marine-related projects have put together a plan for an Oceanic Center in Harpswell. Since

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Fright Night at Fort Knox

Last December, Leon Seymour, the executive director of the Friends of Fort Knox, lost half of his index figure in an accident. Most of us would find such a loss downright depressing. Seymour sees it as an opportunity. “I think I’m going to be getting a fake finger and making it work for me, you

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