Ruth Moore Remembered

Most of all, Ruth Moore, who died in 1989, was a wonderful storyteller, which is how her niece Muriel Davisson remembers her. Muriel grew up in a house near Ruth and her partner, Eleanor Mayo, overlooking Bass Harbor on Mount Desert Island. As a child, Muriel, who now lives in Ruth’s house, remembers how she

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Community orchestra draws praise

The Passamaquoddy Bay Symphony Orchestra, led by conductor Trond Saeverud, is a community orchestra by most measures, but after their recent performance in Eastport, many would agree that this community music-group it is a cut above. One audience member spontaneously announced on his way out, “Why go to New York?” Perhaps it was the guest

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Squid Day

When new Matinicus Island Elementary teacher Dave Duncan first considered a saltwater aquarium for his classroom, he was initially looking for suggestions and perhaps donations of old fish-tank equipment. Duncan contacted the Maine State Aquarium, a branch of the Department of Marine Resources (DMR), to discuss the necessary permit required to possess an undersized lobster.

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The Green Hardhat

It is undoubtedly more than just a coincidence that within the space of a few short weeks, Forbes magazine ranked Maine 50th among states as the worst business environment in the U.S. and then voters turned out of office many of the state’s political leaders and ushered in a new wave of politicians who have

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Children’s Holiday Books

Christmas is just around the corner. If you need help with your shopping list, here are a few excellent choices for you, your child or grandchild. These offerings, almost all from Maine authors and illustrators, will make someone very happy this season. Ice Harbor Mittens Written by Robin Hansen Illustrated by Jamie Hogan. Downeast Books,

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The opportunity of disaster

Kruse lived in a place where, like Maine, tourism and fishing are major forces. What does it mean when disaster-either natural or unnatural-befalls a place that depends so heavily on the surrounding environment? Gulf Coast residents and Louisianans especially have a fierce, almost defiant, sense of place that is tied to the land and the

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