Returning alewives to North Haven

Years ago, when Adam Campbell first moved to North Haven, he heard stories about folks like John Emerson and Foy Brown, who went down to the Damariscotta River to get alewives and brought them back across Penobscot Bay to try to jump-start a population of the anadromous or “sea-run” fish on the island. While those

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Law firm to move into Portland waterfront

Property owners in the central waterfront zone in Portland are generally-and perhaps surprisingly-optimistic about plans to convert the giant Cumberland Cold Storage building on Merrill Wharf into office space for northern New England’s largest law firm. “The ripple effect will be huge,” predicts Charlie Poole, owner of neighboring Union Wharf and a well-regarded spokesman for

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Watch out for lines

With the summer boating season underway, lobstermen are dealing with the age-old problem of recreational boaters running over trap lines. Recreational boaters inadvertently sail or motor over trap lines and in so doing, wrap the line around the propeller or rudder. When that happens, despite sincere effort to free it, sometimes cutting the rope becomes

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Response to “Drink Up”

To the Editor, I have been a supporter of the Island Institute for a number of years and have enjoyed reading your publications and learning of the issues facing the coastal islands of Maine. I have never felt the need to write a letter to the editor until the publication of the June 2010 “Working

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Field Notes: Fishing for community

A fisherman and an economist walk into the bar, sit down and… actually it was a swanky meeting room, but at least you are still reading. I had the opportunity to observe a fisherman and an economist volley back and forth for a few rounds over the definition of the community this past week. The

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