Cod Academy opens doors

Coverage of Washington County is made possible by a grant from the Eaton Foundation. After more than a year of planning and lengthy application procedures, the Maine Aquaculture Association has received federal funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration aquaculture program and the agency’s northeast regional office for a new program, Cod Farming for

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We are all in this together

Fishermen are no longer able to catch more fish to make more money. The only way for them to earn more, is for them to be paid more for their fish. New England’s groundfishermen are now fishing under the most sustainable management system yet devised. While this is a step forward in the effort to

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What is a sector?

The new fisheries-management system for New England officially began May 1. Roughly 800 of the eligible vessels, representing about 98 percent of the groundfish landings in recent years, have joined one of 19 sectors. Fishermen who have not opted into a sector will continue to fish under the days-at-sea effort-control management system. A sector is

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Headed East: Roger F. Duncan 1917-2010

Guidebook writers have something in common with composers of music: their work, if it’s good enough, is destined to be heard aloud. Roger F. Duncan, who died May 15, will forever be identified with The Cruising Guide to the New England Coast-and I suspect that generations of cruising sailors will recall hearing Roger’s words read

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