Fathoming: What we know about rockweed

This article is made possible, in part, by funds from Maine Sea Grant and the Oak Foundation. In the last several years, Acadian Seaplants Limited (Nova Scotia), has expanded their rockweed harvesting into Maine, stimulating new regulations from Maine’s Department of Marine Resources and raising old and new questions about potential impacts of commercial-scale harvesting.

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Islands can help fight global warming

The larger international community needs to take coordinated responsibility for monitoring and mediating problems caused by global warming.  Individuals can accelerate efforts to prepare for climate change. On the islands, that includes community organizing. Environmentally, that includes protecting sea grass, restricting fertilizer use, green building and redesigning infrastructure at shorelines to account for habitat migration.

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Objects in Mirror: Gotcha

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Never argue with a man who buys his ink by the barrel.” I assume that the Maine Sunday Telegram buys ink by the barrel, but I’ve got a serious bone to pick with them over their January 24th front-page coverage of the Fox Islands wind-power project. “Wind Turbines Turn Into Headache

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