In early January, the Coast Guard and Department of Homeland Security announced that after February 8, Loran-C would be turned off and unavailable for navigation. The next day, Canada announced that its Loran-C system would be shut down by October 1. What have we lost? Not much on the local scale, but possibly a lot
Providing housing and loans to Isle au Haut residents for 20 years
When a young islander came to Isle au Haut in the late 1980s, he became worried about the island’s future. “When I moved to the island in late 1988 the community had 35 year-round residents and one kid in school,” recalls Matthew Skolnikoff, one of the founders of the Island Community Development Corporation (ICDC), and
Performance center brings entire community together
When Suzy Shepard, Stonington hair stylist and fisherman’s wife and mother came to the first tryout for Fiddler On The Roof back in 2000, she never planned to try out for a part. Shepard saw the ad in the local paper, Island Ad-Vantages, and was curious because she knew the story of the musical. “I
More focus on networking at annual fishermen’s forum
Things are changing at the Maine Fishermen’s Forum this year. Not only has the schedule changed, condensing the bulk of events to the first Friday and Saturday in March, there will be changes to the content as well. The forum will be held March 4-6 at the Samoset Resort. After a difficult year across Maine’s
Venturing: Techno kids
The maritime world was once known for its salty knowledge, passed down through the generations. Old sailors taught younger ones how to tie knots, about the mysteries of dead reckoning, ways to find where you are in the fog, how to predict the weather. There’s loads of lore about sailing, navigating, safety, maintenance-all, in the
Yarmouth mayor campaigns to restore CAT ferry
Without financial help from the Canadian government, the High-speed ferry, The CAT, will not be providing service between Maine and Nova Scotia this summer. And there’s a possibility that a monohull will make the crossing in 2011-if the mayor Of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia gets his wish. Bay Ferries president and CEO Mark MacDonald said on
North Haven’s entire high school class takes part in drama festival
Although the islands appear quiet this time of year—summer houses drained and closed up, fields frozen, seasonal businesses closed—for North Haven Community School students, winter is the busy season. Between basketball, major research projects, yearbook preparation and homework, the school’s 17 high school students sometimes feel stretched pretty thin. Adding another commitment on top of
The ABC’s of a Cranberry Winter
At the height of the busy summer season, there are hundreds of daily visitors to the Cranberry Isles, along with hundreds more who own or rent houses to stay for their favorite vacation of the year. We are inundated with faces we don’t know, and frazzled by trying to catch up with all of the
Journal of an Island Kitchen: Growing endives in the bathroom
What a show-off stunt it is to grow endive. Practically a parlor trick. Of course, you expect people like four-season growing experts Elliot Coleman and Barbara Damrosch in Harborside to go around growing endive. Or maybe the Belgians when they are not brewing beer or raising horses. But we do it, too, as our endive
Fatal Journey: The final Expedition of Henry Hudson
Basic Books, 2009 Hardcover, 288 pages, $26.95 A poignant tale of a tragic voyage “Like the needle of a compass, Henry Hudson was always attracted by the North.” With these words, Peter Mancall introduces us to the 17th century world of the English explorer Henry Hudson. Before proceeding, I would like to say it is