Thai Curried Maine Shrimp Chowder

Recipe provided by Suzanne Verrier, North Creek Farm, Phippsburg North Creek Farm is an historic saltwater farm near the tip of the Phippsburg peninsula. Maine shrimp chowder is a customer favorite. This recipe calls for garlic scapes, the tender top part of the garlic stalks. Ingredients:½ cup Arborio rice1 cup water1 bay leaf½ tablespoon oil1

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First wind turbine tower section installed

The first tower section of Turbine 2 was installed on Tuesday, September 1 at the Fox Islands Electric Cooperative’s wind power project on Vinalhaven. Workers from Cianbro, the project’s general contractor, used a 320-foot tall crane and ropes to guide the base section onto the foundation, according to Suzanne Pude, director of the Island Institute’s Maine

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Live Yankees: The Sewalls and Their Ships

In the foreword to William Bunting’s adventure-filled beguilement, Sea Struck, Llewellyn Howland III, writes: “As well as being wide-ranging and authoritative, Bunting’s text is witty and beautifully written. It is the work of a sailor-scholar for whom the sea is a source of perpetual wonder and historical research a perpetual delight.” These words could be

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Signs of innovation

After the collapse of prices paid to Maine lobstermen last October, many were hoping that this summer would bring better news. It hasn’t. The boat price paid to lobstermen is the lowest it has been since 1990. The cost of fuel, bait and other supplies is considerably higher, which means that for many lobstermen, the

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