Permit banking could help save fishery

Amid rising costs and depleted fish stocks, fishermen are dropping out, quitting their traditional work because it no longer pays to fish. Even as fish stocks begin to recover, independent fishermen are swamped by strict regulations and the high cost of doing business. Glen Libby, president of the Midcoast Fishermen’s Cooperative (MFC) in Port Clyde,

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Changing tides at Higgins Beach

When people in the Portland area tell veteran surfer Joe Conway that they’re interested in learning the sport, he says, “Oh yeah? Go to Higgins Beach.” Located in the town of Scarborough an easy 15 minutes south of Conway’s home in Portland, Higgins Beach stretches for seven tenths of a mile along Saco Bay. Conway

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Stereotyping Matinicus

In most places in Maine, the actions of one individual would not become a symbol for an entire community. Unfortunately for Matinicus Island, that is precisely what has happened after island lobsterman Vance Bunker allegedly shot another island lobsterman, Chris Young, in the neck (see “Shooting shocks Matinicus community). State marine patrol officers said the

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Shooting shocks Matinicus community

Matinicus residents were left reeling in late July by a shooting that appeared to come close to killing an island lobsterman. They struggled to understand how two respected fishermen in this island community-where people all know one another and often are related-let a dispute escalate to a lethal level of violence On July 20, at

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