Maine lobster industry still hurting

It’s been a lose-lose situation for lobster fishermen and dealers this spring. The low $3.25 per lb. boat price (the price paid to fishermen) for superb hard shell lobster this spring left both worried about how low the price might drop when shedders come on the market. By mid-June lobster was in short supply as

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Maine sets sail to be wind energy leader

Summer began with Maine leaders asserting the state’s leadership on renewable energy issues, attracting an international ocean energy industry conference to Rockport and ushering in new rules for ocean energy development. Over 450 alternative energy developers, scientists and policymakers from around the world were in Rockport from June 16-18 to talk about wind and tide

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House calls still made on Vinalhaven

The road is puddle-filled from the morning’s rain as Jennifer Desmond, a family nurse practioner, walks down the muddy dirt lane in her rubber boots and rain poncho, carrying her classic black doctor’s bag. She is headed to see her neighbor, 71-year-old Evelyn Ames, for a house call. Ames is diabetic and lives alone. Her

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Give islanders a break on ferry rates

With regard to the recent hearings on ferry fares to and from the islands in Penobscot Bay (“State ferry hike passes unanimously,” Working Waterfront, June 2009), it would seem a fair thing if the islands’ residents were given a fare reduction all year. I hope this is something Maine DOT will consider in the future.

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