Column: Venturing

It’s appropriate that this column appears only in Working Waterfront’s web edition; it’s about spending your and my tax dollars to beef up the nation’s economy by improving its infrastructure, and these days, a substantial amount of the beefing-up should be occurring in cyberspace-where the web edition of this newspaper resides. As some know, I’ve

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A place for elders on the island

It is a cold, sunny day, perhaps one of the last chances for elderly residents to emerge from their nest at the Island Commons before the coming winter. They shuffle into the Chebeague community hall with their coats and canes, appetites spiked for the monthly senior luncheon. The kitchen bustles with activity as ladies wearing

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Maine Fishermen’s Forum highlights

The 34th annual Maine Fishermen’s Forum will be held on March 5, 6, and 7 at the Samoset Resort in Rockland. The following are sessions in which work has been done in collaboration with the Island Institute. For more information and the full schedule of sessions go to:  “Economics 101-Marketing” On Thursday of the

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