Opening notes on Long Island

For the past year, Long Island resident Katie Norton has been teaching students traditional fiddle music. A musician for 20 years and a teacher for 10, Norton said she started lessons on the island with just one student and now has a dozen. And, thanks to the town’s Recreation Department, that number will continue to

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Maritime books for the midwinter

Several people who either write for, read, or have been the subject of stories in the Working Waterfront have shared some of their favorite maritime books, both fiction and non-fiction, to read in the midwinter. A combination of recently published books (a few already reviewed in Working Waterfront) and those that have withstood the test of time,

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Vinalhaven backs revisions to wind power rules

Changes to the rules governing wind power sites were overwhelmingly approved at a Vinalhaven Special Town Meeting held on December 15. The revisions defined small, medium and large wind power projects and set up different engineering reporting requirements based on the size of the project, according to Marjorie Stratton, Vinalhaven town manager. Modifications were also

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Column: Parallel 44

Destroying the candidates’ paper trail Ever wonder if your local elected official is being influenced by contributions from special interests? I do. But then, I live in Portland, where the governor’s brother, Bob Baldacci, and his fellow real estate developers helped defeat the mayor (who was opposed to their $100-plus million project to “rescue” a

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Andrew Wyeth 1917–2009

(Andrew Wyeth died quietly at his home in Chadds Ford, Penn. January 16, 2009) Andrew Wyeth, along with his wife Betsy, were the very first founding members of the Island Institute. Their vision, which they never stopped supporting, respected the islands as traditional outposts of a self-sufficient way of life, even as Maine’s islands began

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