Three island towns weather economic storm

How has the economic downturn affected the municipal budgets of three Penobscot Bay island communities? So far, not badly, say town managers in Vinalhaven, North Haven, and Islesboro. Housing starts, excise taxes, property tax payment, appeals for general assistance, and local business activity are all indicators of economic weakness, and so far, nothing dramatic has

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Maritime books for the midwinter

Several people who either write for, read, or have been the subject of stories in the Working Waterfront have shared some of their favorite maritime books, both fiction and non-fiction, to read in the midwinter. A combination of recently published books (a few already reviewed in Working Waterfront) and those that have withstood the test

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Obama nearly sweeps islands

President-elect Barak Obama nearly swept the year-round unbridged islands, winning everywhere except Swan’s Island. Statewide, Obama won with 421,497 votes to McCain’s 296,215. Sen. John McCain won Swan’s Island by 134 to 105 votes. Obama won every other island, often by very large margins. The results in Casco Bay, were: Peaks Island: Obama 417, McCain

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The lobster industry needs to go back to basics now that the turmoil has finally unfolded. “The cat is out of the bag,” so to speak. Leadership’s role in the industry has remained ill-directed and not proactive in that it allowed several years of expanded effort after it established trap limits, which doubled the effort,

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