Islesboro youngsters create food pantry

Christian Education director Sharon Dawbin, of Islesboro’s Second Baptist Church, said, “It was their idea.” Other years, the Sunday school students assembled food items to take to a mainland food pantry, but this year one 11-year-old came to Mrs. Dawbin and said she had heard her parents talking about how winter might be hard for

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Peaks Island Winter Concert is diverse, eclectic

On Sunday, December 14, the Peaks Island Winter Concert will mark its 22nd year of celebrating not only the holiday season, but the spirit of diversity that thrives on this Casco Bay Island. According to Nancy 3. Hoffman, the concert’s director (whose middle name, “3.” is correctly noted), “multi-denominational” performances promise the audience a little

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Cranberry Report

The beauty of November After the pretty days of September and October, November has a different kind of beauty. The angle of the sun is noticeably lower, infusing afternoon light with the glow of brushed pewter. It is the kind of sky that gives bare trees a crisp outline and predicts approaching snow and colder

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Birds of a Feather I’m not a bird watcher but I did notice, last week, an eastern phoebe light on a weather stick outside my window. The stick was tiny and delicate but the phoebe was even more so and the stick’s trajectory, thrusting upward, (high pressure, clear day ahead) didn’t change when the half-ounce

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