Managing ourselves into oblivion

Sharing the Ocean: Stories of Science, Politics and Ownership from America’s Oldest Industry By Michael Crocker Tilbury House, 2008 Softcover, 160 pages, $20   “An Enormous, Immensely Complicated Intervention” Groundfish, the New England Fishery Management Council, and the World Fisheries Crisis By Spencer Apollonio and Jacob J. Dykstra E Book Time LLC, Montgomery, Alabama, 2008

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Sailing through Gotha A photograph on the wall of Wesley Rodstrom Jr.’s office at Consolidated Yachts on City Island in the Bronx, New York City, speaks volumes about this storied place: one of the two men in the picture is Sir Thomas Lipton, the British tea merchant who tried five times to win the America’s

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We can defend you

  You caught my attention with the article, “Guns on ferries: balancing safety and rights, Working Waterfront, October 2008). My favorite part of the article was the last sentence: “There were so many guns in the wheelhouse, the captain couldn’t move.” Just before that statement, the article stated that the practice that led to that

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