
About a year and a half ago, when I’d just become eligible for Social Security, I realized it was time to undertake one of those Big Things we all think about but usually don’t do. In my case, I’d recently come into possession of a wonderful sailboat, thanks to an insurance settlement following the wreck

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Fisherman’s Bend

Greenlaw’s latest sea tale a little leaky Let’s face it. There are plenty of us who want to read anything Linda Greenlaw decides to write. A friend of this reviewer-an outdoorsy radical terrain ski guy, who’s read all Greenlaw’s books-confessed that he had even read her cookbook and he likely has zero interest in cooking.

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Gooseberry column evokes childhood memories

The September issue kept me clipping: “Sewing group celebrates 150th” to send to friends as an inspiration for their church groups; “Growing food on granite,” with the Dominique chicken, for a friend who raises chickens near San Francisco; the story about the beehive art collective in Machias for when I visit there again; and, finally

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