Out of Crackers

To the editor: Read the Crown Pilot Escapade (WWF April 2008) with interest as I am down to my last three crackers and looking for more for myself and my sister in Florida. Even Vermont Country Store is out of them…. It’s my favorite hot summer meal (milk & crackers or peanut butter & crackers)….

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Family Business

Being in the same business can make for an unusual level of understanding between husband and wife, but when they and the sons of each have opposite goals, the potential for trouble can skyrocket. When Corea Lobster Cooperative manager Dwight Rodgers courted seafood buyer Ruth Goodwin, mother and business partner of one of his customers,

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Terchno to Bluegrass

If it’s an August weekend in coastal Maine, chances are there’s a music festival near you.  Throughout the last decade, a handful of new music festivals have sprung up along the coast, bringing diverse bands and carnival atmospheres to coastal towns. Some of the new festivals were created by accident, like the BelTek festival Aug.

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Readers of the New York Times will be aware of this summer’s non-news event: the construction of a Whiffleball field in Greenwich, Connecticut, by a group of teenage boys who cleared brush, braved poison ivy, scrounged a few building materials and bought some paint so they could build their field of dreams on some town-owned

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Living By the Boat

Orders for lobster boats are down at Holland’s Boat Shop, Inc. in Belfast, due to the downturn in the lobster industry and the economy. But Glenn Holland still has orders for recreational boats so he’s not too worried – yet. “It’s kinda like being in a sinking boat, but for now, the pumps are keeping

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Monhegan: A Guide to Maine’s Fabled Island

A Wild Place, Full of Wonder Written and photographed by Mark WarnerDown East Books, 200853 pp, $14.95 In his foreword to Carl Little’s The Art of Monhegan Island, Jamie Wyeth writes: “I have a problem with Monhegan Island … everyone remembers their first lover, don’t they? Perhaps passionately, occasionally longingly, sometimes angrily, but always. I

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Harpoon: Into the Heart of Whaling

Heart of Darkness Philadelphia: Da Capo Press, 2008300 pp, $25.00 Fin, Right, Blue, Sperm, Minke, Humpback: one by one, chapter by chapter in this remarkable book, each species of whale reaches commercial or outright extinction, all the while “managed” by governments and the International Whaling Commission. Over the years there has been no lack of

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Plover numbers plummet; 19 pairs remain

When it comes to their continued survival in Maine, piping plovers have two things going for them. First, they have cute offspring; their chicks are often described as balls of fluff with legs. Waterfront landowners like to keep the birds around. Second, they have a handful of dedicated wildlife officials working for their survival.  Unfortunately,

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