A Visual Cruising Guide to the Maine Coast

This very straightforward guide incorporates reduced-scale NOAA charts, brief navigation descriptions and aerial photographs to provide clear instructions on how to enter or leave several dozen Maine harbors. It’s readable and straightforward, with the spiral binding that cruising sailors always yearn for as they struggle with their books and charts at the tiller, wheel or

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Sail yourself from the Virgin Islands to Bermuda and you’ll encounter a number of working waterfront outposts, places where dedicated individuals provide the services that make this sort of travel possible. Aboard a 44-foot sloop the trip takes a little over six days. In our case it required the services of a commercial marina and

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Hit By Lightning!

The weather report that Friday night last August called for “thunder showers, ending by morning.” It also mentioned “possible lightning strikes.” Now I’ve always put lightning strikes in the category of shark attacks. You hear about them, but they rarely happen, especially to you. Suffice it to say that the lightning storm we experienced on

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Island Institute to celebrate its 25th birthday

The Island Institute turns 25 this summer and will launch its silver anniversary with an extensive show of new work by Peter Ralston, well-known photographer of the Maine coast and the Institute’s executive vice-president and co-founder.  The show will run through October 25 and includes new work since his celebrated 1997 book, Sightings: A Maine

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Community Supported Fisheries

In the rear parking lot of the First Universalist Church in Rockland, parishioners and neighbors stop to talk as usual after the Sunday service. It’s a familiar scene to anyone driving by, but a closer look reveals a surprising new twist: several of the people talking or heading to their cars carry plastic bags with

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Islanders face food sticker shock

As the general manager of Carver’s Harbor Market in Vinalhaven, Renee Jones is used to the high prices charged by her distributors. But even she was shocked when the prices of some food jumped a dollar in the space of a week. “I had to check the books,” Jones said. Other island grocers could commiserate.

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