
To the editor:   While the May 5th article by Catherine Schmitt regarding Sears Island includes some accurate information, it omits any reflection by those who have been sitting at the table for so long. Our charge has been to construct a conservation easement that complies with the Sears Island Planning Initiative’s Consensus Agreement. After

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Environmental Quislings

To the editor,   Thank you for Catherine Schmitt’s article on the process to develop Sears Island.        As Ms Schmitt mentioned, at Governor Baldacci’s request, over 200 people presented their ” visions” for the future of Sears Island. What makes this rather large number even more significant is the fact that out of the 200

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Hard Core

To the editor:   I am writing in response to your article by Sandy Oliver regarding our long lost Crown Pilot Crackers. Here on the east end of Long Island other than summer people (or the “summer complaint”) there is a hard core of locals who know a good chowder cracker when they see one.

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Depression Perspectives

Where economics are concerned, it can be useful to take a very long view. Concerns about the strength or weakness of markets for lobsters or oil or even real estate get a little more manageable when we remember that all of these things go up and down over time – most commodities have their peaks

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Cranberry Isles forge ahead on the energy front

“There’s a good vibe out here,” reports Island Institute Fellow Amanda Ravenhill from her home on Islesford. A longtime seasonal resident, Ravenhill recently spent her first winter on Islesford, filling a fellow position that was vacated last spring when Eric Dyer took a full-time position with the Town of Cranberry Isles.  Ravenhill is particularly interested

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North Haven, Vinalhaven students enjoy arts festival

North Haven’s normal fifth through twelfth grade school population of 39 students tripled when their counterparts from Vinalhaven joined them for the May 29 Fox Islands Arts Festival. Fencing on the ball field, choral music at the church, transformations (3-D art from trash) at the Legion Hall, granite-cutting behind Waterman’s Community Center were four of

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