PEI fish plants take steps to find more workers

The Prince Edward Island Seafood Processors Association  (PEISPA) is attempting to address a lack of suitable accommodations for fish plant workers. Michael MacInnis, executive director of the association, cites a lack of workers and competition from other sectors as part of the problem of finding workers for the industry in Canada’s smallest province. But more

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Another Hit to the “Working Waterfront”

Many coastal communities and islands will be losing a substantial portion of state education money as a result of the most recent supplemental budget that passed this week. Included within the recent supplemental budget was a Department of Education policy change that cuts special education funds from what are called “minimum receiver” towns.  Minimum receiver

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Fox Islands Arts Festival planned for May 29

Fifth through 12th graders from North Haven and Vinalhaven will celebrate the arts on May 29 through a variety of workshops and performances on North Haven. Workshops, taught by local artists, community members and teachers will include movement, stone cutting (granite), drama, poetry, origami, culinary arts, visual arts and instrumental and choral music in addition

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Five Peaks Island artists to fill GEM Gallery

Summer at Peaks Island’s GEM Gallery means weekly shows by member artists, opening on Thursday nights and running through the following Tuesday.  Joining to fill display stands and the walls are potters Rick Boyd and Pamela Williamson, printmaker and painters Jane Banquer and Jeanne O’Toole Hayman and photographer Victor Romanyshyn. Join islanders and friends for

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Island Fellows sought for community projects

The Island Institute’s Island Fellows program is soliciting applications for 2008-2009, seeking to fill up to eight positions. Island Fellow placements address pressing challenges facing Maine’s year-round island and remote coastal communities. This cohort of Fellows marks the 10th anniversary of the Island Fellows program, which has significantly changed over the years.The first island fellow,

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Exporting our Problems

At the risk of appearing as if we’ve taken sides in a reliably contentious island issue, we’re publishing yet another story on island-based energy development. This time the location is the Nantucket-Martha’s Vineyard-Block Island area in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, where Cape Wind Associates wants to locate a mega-project, and where the three island communities

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Fishing Smarter

Monhegan Island lobstermen are nearing the end of their first season under new rules. They are fishing a longer season with fewer traps per person, and so far, they’re having surprising success catching as many or more lobsters. “We are now fishing 300 traps apiece,” said Doug Boynton, who has been fishing off Monhegan for

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