Small World

John Higgins was enjoying breakfast at the Cocomar Restaurant in the Dominican Republic last February when he noticed something from home. It was a buoy hanging on the wall, and on the buoy was written the word “Vinalhaven.” Higgins, a member of the Island Institute board of trustees, took photos of the buoy and sent

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In a marine ecosystem often referred to as “the Saudi Arabia of wind,” where generation of unlimited amounts of this clean renewable energy are believed possible, some would-be ratepayers seem to care much as much about what’s on their horizons as their utility bills. Such thinking is evident on Nantucket Sound, where Cape Wind Associates

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German Battleship

To the editor: I always enjoy your paper. This time my hat is off to Bill Terra — builder of the 30-foot model of the German battleship Graf Spee (WWF April 2008). Too bad the Rockland boat show didn’t let him display it. Heck, I’d have paid money to see it! Frank FergusonBrookline, MA

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A Lifeboat for Fishermen

When congress revised bankruptcy laws a few years ago, they included one major provision that didn’t get media attention: fishermen gained access to Chapter 12. Available to farmers for decades, Chapter 12 allows filers to restructure debt at current value, coordinate loan expenses with income, and stops a fishing boat repossession. “It’s remarkably unused” by

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Things Look Different There

Our toddler finally made us go west.  Record snowfall and a two-year old who didn’t like to wear clothes gave us cabin fever this past winter, so we accepted an invitation from my sister-in-law in Portland, Oregon for a month-long visit. I irrationally resisted visiting for years. I blamed my reluctance on a leftover prejudice

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