Institute Launches Volunteer Corps

Maine’s population is aging: between 1990 and 2000, the population of 45-54 and 55-59 year olds increased 54 percent and 26 percent, respectively. The loss of young people on the islands, meanwhile, requires involving greater numbers of older volunteers to ensure that communities remain vibrant and viable. The Island Institute has been receiving increasing requests

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The Cranberry Report: “I don’t know what goes on, on that island, but whatever it is, it’s good.”

In the middle of February, ten members of the Islesford Volunteer Fire Department left their island homes and families to dedicate more than 40 hours to complete intense training activities at the Mississippi State Fire Academy (MSFA) in Jackson. Islesford Fire Chief Courtney Chaplin spent months working out the logistics of the training and travel

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A Life Without Boundaries

Shirley Madeline Burgess of Chebeague Island died Saturday March 1, 2008. She was born on Chebeague Island on Aug. 5, 1918, the daughter of Ernest E. and Clara M. Ross. An independent and intelligent woman, Shirley believed in family, God and the power of creativity. In the creative world she lived her life: a world

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Little Things

The pace of change along the Maine coast may not be rapid, but it’s steady. The changes may not be sweeping, but — like all the little mainland towns and island communities that are this coast — they add up to something very large. Walk into a supermarket just about anywhere these days and you’ll

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Violations Not Mentioned

To the editor: I work on behalf of a herring and mackerel processing plant in New Bedford that is supplied by four midwater trawling vessels [WWF March 2008]”¦ While promoting the “traditional (sustainable?)” herring fishery of old, the author [of your story] fails to mention that several of the leading “traditional” Maine purse seiners are

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A Modest Proposal

Solutions are particularly elusive when it comes to energy, so let’s start there. Oil’s through the roof and showing no signs of coming back down. Electricity demand keeps going up, driving up the price and the demand for more generating facilities. We want to keep driving our petroleum-fueled cars because we don’t have good alternatives.

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