NOAA recognizes Island Institute’s contributions to coastal and ocean resources

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has selected the Island Institute to receive its 2008 Excellence Award for Non-Governmental Organization of the Year. This award, given every two years, recognizes organizations whose dedication and hard work epitomize coastal stewardship, and whose contributions have helped maintain the nation’s healthy coastal and ocean resources. The Institute’s

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Solving the Mystery of the X-Fish

At the Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI), teams of 5th grade students from Willard School in Sanford are working out solutions to questions about the X-Fish, a mystery fish they will identify by the end of their hour-and-a-half stay at the Institute, located on Commercial Street in Portland. This program, LabVenture!, is supported by

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Oysters and X-Fish

Two stories this month describe the unique ability of wild creatures to teach kids about their world. At Herring Gut in Port Clyde, oysters teach middle-schoolers elements of math and science, not to mention how the value of a natural resource can be enhanced through cultivation, careful husbandry and hard work. In Portland, fish are

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