“Sustainable” seafood goes mainstream

For years, consumers buying eco-friendly seafood represented a tiny niche. These were the early-adopters – the first to download the seafood buyer’s wallet card from marine conservation websites, the same people who would ask of their chagrinned waiter, “Was this codfish taken from a sustainably managed fishery?” Those people are no longer fringe. “Sustainable seafood”

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New Institute fellow to work with Port Clyde fishermen

The Island Institute has hired Laura Kramar as a Senior Fellow in a special collaboration between the Institute and the Midcoast Fishermen’s Association (MFA) based in Port Clyde. The collaboration combines new marketing, economic and fisheries-management strategies with traditional groundfishing practices. Kramar will be assisting the MFA with developing a marketing strategy to promote Port

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A Question of Scale Midwater trawlers are transforming the herring industry

The Atlantic herring fishery, long a mainstay of coastal Maine’s economy, took center stage in January at the Maine Environmental Resource Institute (MERI) in Blue Hill. As part of MERI’s winter lecture series, Peter Baker, director of the Herring Alliance (herringalliance.org), explained the significance of the fishery and recent changes that have made the herring

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