THAW Fund to hold winter event

When the people at the Washington Hancock Community Agency [WHCA] realized that in addition to the spiraling cost of fuel oil (which by January 9 had reached $3.39 per gallon and kerosene, $3.80 per gallon) this year’s fuel assistance benefit would be less than that of previous years — they knew they had to go

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To the editor: …I read the story “Anchor to Windward” by Sally Noble with some passing interest as it is about my competitor. I felt it necessary to pass along several corrections to “facts” contained in the story. Brown Ship Chandlery was not started by anyone in the Poole family. It was started by Mr.

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From the Deck: Fog Run

A log book was very useful to a coastwise cruiser before the invention of radar and GPS as a record of courses steered and distances run. Should fog shut down, he can retrace his steps on the chart and at least give a good guess as to his position. Capt. Hugh Williams in 24-foot Helen

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