Not the Only Vessel

To the editor: Just finished your Dec/Jan issue. Well done as always. Just wanted to make Sally Noble, author of “Anchor to Windward,” aware that her info on the MAINE RESPONDER being the only oil spill recovery vessel in the port of Portland is wrong. I work for National Response Corp. and the company has

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Stone Book Hurricane Quarry Recipes

Vinalhaven Historical Society, 2007 Cooking Amidst the Quarries The name “Hurricane Island” conjures up granite, outdoor education and an abandoned community. I dare say not many think of Date Bars, Sponge Cake, or Four Minute Fudge. In fact, when Dorothy Simpson wrote in her Maine Islands in Story and Legend, “Hurricane’s story is simply granite

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Great Cranberry community development coordinators hired

Alyson Mayo and Lauren Simmons have been hired by the Island Institute to assist in a collaboration to revitalize Great Cranberry Island, working with other island, municipal and regional organizations. The collaboration involves the Island Institute, Great Cranberry citizens and community organizations, and will focus on sustainability questions including transportation, broadband connectivity, employment and the

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Coalition discusses legislation, upcoming initiatives

The Maine Islands Coalition met Nov. 16 to discuss several initiatives connected to the affordability of coastal Maine. Chris Wolff, the Island Institute’s community development director, reported on affordable housing initiatives through the Coalition for Coastal Workforce Housing (CCWH) and her role as administrator of affordable coast affordable housing grants. Upcoming efforts include expanding the

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Rain fails to dampen CREST career fair

On Nov. 16, nearly 90 students and teachers gathered at the University of Maine, Orono, for a career fair focusing upon educational and career opportunities in Maine that use Information Technology (IT) and science, engineering, technology and mathematics skills. This is the second career fair organized as part of CREST, a National Science Foundation-funded program

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