A new face at Waterman’s Community Center

Liz Lovell is the new programs director at North Haven Arts and Enrichment. Having been in training with outgoing director Keely Felton, Lovell is ready and enthusiastic about continuing the programs at Waterman’s Community Center. Lovell is a 2003 North Haven Community School Graduate. She graduated this past spring from Bowdoin College with a major

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DMR Responds

To the editor: Two pieces in your October issue take the Maine Department of Marine Resources to task for its handling of a recent aquaculture lease on Vinalhaven. Both pieces contain serious factual errors, which I am writing to correct. In your editorial, “Process Problems”, you state that DMR “failed to notify abutters and the

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Good Job!

To the editor: I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed and appreciated [Tina Cohen’s] latest article in Working Waterfront — the discussion of the aquaculture issue on Vinalhaven. Good job! You captured the complexities, and got some necessary information out. Thanks. Carol Petillo Vinalhaven

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Foxes in the Salty Henhouse

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, tasked with, among other things, managing the nation’s fisheries resources, has recently announced plans to shift control of the at-sea fishery observer program over to the very fishing industry that is being observed. If this plan goes through, it could seriously degrade the truth and validity of these important

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