Coastal Communities Trimming Energy Use

Kittery residents are organizing yet another “lose to win” campaign, but instead of reducing waistlines, this time volunteers are targeting energy use. By signing on to EPA New England’s Community Energy Challenge, Kittery has pledged to reduce municipal energy use by 10 percent or more. Kittery town manager Jonathan Carter said town officials were already

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Revealing the Power in Place

The term “power of place” is a nice variation on “sense of place,” that term used to evoke an individual’s special connection to a pond, a town, an island. “The Power of Place: Three Views of Maine” at the Abbe Museum in Bar Harbor features the work of a painter, Robert Pollien, and two photographers,

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Photographs by Josie Iselin & text by Sandy Carlson New York: Abrams, 2007. The Benificence of Beaches Calling to my nieces to go for a walk when they visit me on Vinalhaven, I ask, “Wanna go shopping?” They’ve learned that for me, island-bound, “shopping” means beachcombing. We give ourselves a list of what we’d like

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Process Problems

In Maine this season, we’ve got a number of public proceedings underway. Some of them are regulatory in nature, such as the Department of Marine Resources’ licensing process for the would-be developer of an oyster farm in Vinalhaven’s Basin. Others involve contracts, such as Portland’s effort to come to terms with a developer for Maine

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To the editor: I have just finished reading the article by Colin Woodard entitled “Maine’s Ruling Family.” Quite frankly, I do not get his point. To even suggest that Senator Mitchell is in a point of conflict of interest is insulting to a man who served Maine and gained the respect of world leaders. The

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