Kate Webber’s ‘Swan’s Island Chronicles’ collects her interpretation of oral history

The subtitle of Kate Webber’s recently published book, Swan’s Island Chronicles, hints at its flavor: “Borrowed, Exaggerated and Half-Forgotten Tales of Island Life.” It’s a collection of vignettes that each feature the essential elements of a good yarn—colorful characters, often doing something unusual, with the added spice of being in an island setting. The stories

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A home for North Haven’s elderly

North Haven resident Mary White announced her plan to donate a Victorian house (the former Rice/Peleg Thomas farm, seen in this photo by North Haven’s Bill Trevaskis) to be used for an assisted living residence. The house will be donated to to North Haven Sustainable Housing, the local affordable housing group, while the Helen’s House

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Gulf of Maine uniquely susceptible to ocean acidification

A recent study led by Aleck Wang, a chemical oceanographer from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, has identified the Gulf of Maine as outstanding in an unfortunate way—more susceptible to pressures of ocean acidification than any other region along the eastern seaboard and Gulf of Mexico. Ocean acidification may not be a familiar term for many,

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