
To the editor: Sustainable, green and earth-friendly have certainly become the prominent buzzwords of the day. Advertisers use these words and others like them to make consumers feel better about their purchases and they rather quickly have lost their meaningful definitions. Simply because a product contains less petroleum is often the qualifier for sustainability by

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Remember the Roe

To the editor: Re: Political Correctness, etc., by Sally Noble, July 2007 Within that article, the writer was quoting Cheryl Lewis, chef at Black Point Inn who “thinks highly of the lobster’s tomalley (its liver, which turns green upon cooking).” [The comment] is a bit misleading to the average reader, much less the consumer of

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Neither For nor Against

To the editor: When I set out to write my LNG: A Level Headed Look at the Liquefied Natural Gas Controversy, which you reviewed in your July issue, I honestly didn’t know how I felt about the subject. My natural green tendency was counteracted by what I’d heard from my tugboat friends about the safety

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Big Ships, Small River

To the editor: I was fascinated by your article on the Paul Palmer in the July ’07 issue. I wonder how they ever got a vessel of that size from Waldoboro to Muscongus Bay. I have sailed up the Medomak River almost to Waldoboro with a northwest breeze and I was more than a little

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