SBA Loans Available

“The U. S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is a little-known federal agency, the nation’s bank for business and homeowner disaster,” said SBA District Director Mary McAleney. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), she explained, is the national agency for roads, bridges, and temporary shelter. “It does the early mop-up of disasters and stabilizes communities,” she

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If one were to organize the bulk of this month’s stories in Working Waterfront around a single theme, it would be possible to do so around sustainability: the idea that if we humans are to keep going much longer on this planet, we must go about our business differently; that we can’t go on using

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Dire Situation

To the editor, At last WWF [June 2007] acknowledges the twinned crises of climate change and the end of Maine’s fisheries (“Houston, We Have a Problem”) with a twinge of optimism. I share the buoyant hope that we can solve these crises. But the “we” who can are clearly not the folks in charge. Even

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To the editor, This letter is a strong protest against your article fronting the June issue of Working Waterfront (the Island Institute) on the subject of “child abuse.” This article is an exaggeration citing individual incidents with the implication that they are nearly the norm. It is in line with the “media feeding frenzy” on

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