The Colors of Lobstering

Camden, Maine: Down East Books, 2007 $15.00 Good pictures that cast no spell Greg Currier is a good photographer and the pictures in this book are nice. For your money you have a souvenir of Maine, or an addition to the coffee table, or a house present to leave with hosts. Besides those positives, it

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Vinalhaven teen attends D.C. protest

In contrast to the Vietnam war era, political activism has not been particularly popular among teenagers during the Iraq war. However, Vinalhaven tenth-grader Morgan Bouton doesn’t spend a lot of time thinking about what is popular. The 16-year-old spent St. Patrick’s Day with approximately 50,000 other demonstrators at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., protesting the

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Cranberry Report: Make Your Own Job

After a nasty northeaster, spring returned to the Cranberry Isles in the last week of April. Neighbors came together under beautiful skies to perform community service in observation of Earth Day. On Islesford, Island Institute fellow Eric Dyer organized a beach cleanup, followed by a community supper and a showing of the movie, “An Inconvenient

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Bath revives its community garden

Brenda Nelson, an avid gardener, discovered a problem when she moved into her new home in Bath. “My little house had too tiny of a yard,” Nelson said. Like many Bath residents, Nelson lives in a densely-populated neighborhood Her little home is sandwiched so close to neighboring houses that when friends phone her, they can

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Sailing Maine

Photographs by Becca Albee. Poems by Jan Bailey, Kate Cheney Chappell, Keller Cushing Freeman, Kristen Lindquist, Candice Stover and Elizabeth Tibbetts Cedar Mountain Books, Greenville, South Carolina 12 pp. $14.95 “Lost trees have righted themselves. Everyone is still alive.” The poet George Oppen, who sailed among the islands of Penobscot Bay, once wrote, “There is

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