Fixing Tree Growth

The Tree Growth Tax, Maine’s premier current-use tax law, goes back to the early 1970s when the Legislature, at the urging of paper companies and other big forest landowners, crafted it as a way to tax land on its ability to grow trees, rather than as conventional real estate. At the time, the backers of

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The Man Behind Maine Compass Services

Navigating a boat in all sorts of unpredictable conditions means depending on the equipment you’ve installed onboard. Whether you’re operating an hourly, year-round ferry service or a family boat on summer weekends, your investment might include GPS, autopilot, radar, depth finders, speed indicators and plotting and computer systems. One item that will definitely be on

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Newfoundland processor’s sale is imminent

Newfoundland’s largest seafood processor is inching closer to having new owners. If the deals go through, the U.S. division in Danvers, Mass., may be sold to a longtime competitor, and its Canadian holdings will go to another Newfoundland seafood company. One monkey wrench in the works has been a stalemate between the federal and provincial

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BLUENOSE – what’s in a name?

An organization called Queen of the North Atlantic Enterprises (QNAE) has commissioned the Snyder Shipyard of Dayspring, Nova Scotia, to build a replica of the famed Grand Banks schooner Bluenose. Whether or not the vessel will carry the Bluenose name is currently a matter of dispute — between QNAE and the Government of Nova Scotia.

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