Slow Food

Imagine a world in which people sat down at their table and ate together regularly. Then imagine the food they ate had been prepared in their own kitchen using ingredients found primarily in nature, and nearby. That’s the basis of the Slow Food movement, begun in Italy in 1986 and spreading around the world —

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Developers of new energy projects in the region have had a bad month. First it was the Redington Mountain wind project in western Maine, which got the thumbs-down treatment from the state Land Use Regulation Commission. Opponents convinced all but one of the commissioners that a pristine ridge shouldn’t be defaced with a string of

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Credit Where It’s Due

To the editor: I enjoyed “Resource at Risk: Can Downeast Maine save its dark skies?” (WWF Feb. 06) by Craig Idlebrook. It was produced through the efforts of my colleagues at The Island Astronomy Institute. Peter Lord provided Craig Idlebrook with the photos for the article. Your photo gives credit to Craig and not the

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Risks of Wind Power

To the editor: I write to you with regard to the article titled “Swan’s Island Electric Co-Op Considers Wind Power” (WWF Aug. 06). I own a year-round cottage on a small lake in Genessee County, New York State. This cottage is in the township of Stafford, NY. Stafford is a very small town — not

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