2 titles on Stone Walls

Stone by Stone: the Magnificent History in New England’s Stone Walls New York: Walker, 2002 Exploring Stone Walls: A Field Guide to New England’s Stone Walls New York: Walker, 2005 Set in Stone New England’s stone walls are a ubiquitous feature of its landscape. As with anything we grow accustomed to, it is easy enough

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Canada issues gloomy cod report

Cod stocks off the south coast of Newfoundland are not recovering, and worse, catches are expected to drop during the next few years, according to a new report from the Canadian government. The report, “Stock Assessment on 3Ps Cod,” the federal designation for the south Newfoundland fishing region, states that two fairly strong year classes,

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Spruce Head lobster facilities lacked plans, paid fines

Recently the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that four Spruce Head lobster facilities have agreed to pay $3,000 each for having inadequate oil spill prevention plans. Under expedited settlements, Maine Coast Seafood, McLoon’s Wharf LLC, Spruce Head Fisherman’s Co-op and the William Atwood Lobster Company agreed to create approved Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure

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New offers worry FPI workers

More offers have been tendered for Newfoundland’s largest seafood company, Fishery Products International Ltd., causing union workers to fear a company breakup. John Risley, a director on the FPI board, declined to name the companies tendering the new offers, but High Liner Foods Inc., the Barry Group, Ocean Choice International and a group from the

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Animal Sacrifice

Come spring, hundreds of harbor seals will haul out on the rocky ledges of Maine islands for pupping season. The silvery bodies of harbor seals sprawled in the sun have become a common sight since their numbers have increased over the last twenty years. Yet this seemingly healthy population of seals carries a heavy burden

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