Islanders rally against school consolidation; Coalition proposes alternatives

When Maine Gov. John Baldacci proposed reducing the number of school districts in Maine from 290 to 26, his proposal was greeted with a firestorm of protest from parents, teachers, superintendents and concerned citizens across the state. Nowhere was that opposition more vocal than in Maine’s year-round island communities, which support 14 multi-grade schools whose

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Letter from Chebeague

Four months from now, Chebeague will hold its first town meeting. People have asked if we will be ready. Of course. What choice do we have? We have already chosen a logo for the town seal; the Celebration Committee is hard at work planning a week’s worth of events that will include plays, dances, lectures,

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The Long View: Fish and Chips

The two most important cultural events that celebrate working life along Maine’s coastline both happen in the dead of winter – during the first and third weekends of March. You might think this an odd time to celebrate, but the summer is just too busy to have much time to take a break. Besides, who

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Old Old Boats

In the second week in January, a replica of a 17th century ketch, Discovery, left Boothbay Harbor with a fair wind, spreading a wide fan of white water ahead of her bluff blows. She was a new boat built by the Boothbay Harbor Shipyard. Her upper spars had been lashed on deck and her stout

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“Store to send lobsters gently into that good pot: Whole Foods waives ban on live sales in Maine.” — Boston Globe, Feb. 8, 2007 MEMO From: Little Bay Lobster Company To: Vinalhaven lobstermen Please note that we have assured Whole Foods we can deliver lobsters guaranteed to be fresh, healthy, and humanely treated. Therefore, their

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