My 20 Coastal Homes

In our first two years of marriage, my wife and I lived in twenty different homes in half a dozen towns from Rockport to Steuben. In that same span, we moved more than fifty times. We were housesitters, hired by international businessmen, insatiable travelers, and stir-crazy millionaires to look after pets and bring in the

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New scholarship offered for island students

A new scholarship fund has joined the Island Institute’s array of opportunities for island students who wish to pursue higher education. “We are excited to announce the new Otter Island Fund, made possible by an anonymous donor whose family members have graduated from the schools named in the new scholarship,” said Peter Ralston, executive vice

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High Tech, High Touch: Island Institute launches three-year strategic plan

The vision of the Island Institute is to be “a locally valued and broadly recognized partner finding solutions to challenges posed by local, state, national and international trends that threaten Maine’s island and working waterfront communities,” according to a new strategic plan for the organization. The Institute’s Board of Trustees approved a series of new

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“Holding” Lobsters: Keeping the animals alive depends on water, bacteria and careful attention

“A lobster holding system is essentially a septic system.” Most people would find that statement shocking, but Ronald Doane, 55, of Down East Sea Tanks, in Trenton, Maine, knows what he’s talking about. For the last 13 years he has designed, engineered and built many lobster holding systems in the United States, systems inaccurately called

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Disaster fund helps shellfish harvesters

After prolonged red tide closures in 2005, help is finally on the horizon for Maine’s shellfish industry. Department of Marine Resources (DMR) scientist Darcie Couture said recently that Jan. 31, 2007, was the target date for mailing out relief checks from the $2 million Red Tide Disaster Relief Fund approved by Congress last year. She

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