Shouting into the Fog

Islandport Press, 2006 Soft cover, 305 pages, $15.95 Bringing the Depression to Life Thomas Hanna painstakingly pieces together the memories of his Depression-era childhood in a new book entitled Shoutin’ Into The Fog: Growing Up on Maine’s Ragged Edge. Set in the village of Five Islands in Georgetown, five miles downriver from Bath, Hanna writes

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The Power and Promise of Humane Education

New Society Publishers, 2004 Paperback, 172 pages, $15.95 A Book for a Better World Through the International Institute for Humane Education in Surry, Maine, Zoe Weil has helped train and certify hundreds of educators to teach humane education; humane education is a curriculum that helps students critically examine ecology and social justice issues and take

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Lines on the Water

Goose River Press, 2006 A Lively Test Drive and Other Tales There’s a lot to love about this book by occasional lobsterman, car mechanic, computer analyst, islander Harold van Doren. No average teller of tales, he grabs our attention from the start with his dry humor and love of all the characters he’s encountered on

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Election Day: Islands follow Maine’s trend

Maine’s year-round island communities followed the state’s pattern on Election Day, voting down TABOR, the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, while re-electing both of Maine’s Democratic congressmen, Gov. John Baldacci and U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe. TABOR fared particularly poorly in island communities, perhaps reflecting widespread fear that the proposed spending cap would cripple local services such

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