On Vinalhaven, asking if the Wind is out yet, or if you’ve seen it, might not be a reference to the weather, but rather the island’s weekly newsletter. Its title, appropriately, implies strength and presence; something that could touch all of us hunkered down on the island we share in Penobscot Bay. Free copies are

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Shocked and Dismayed

To the editor: I can’t tell you how shocked and dismayed I was by the article in your September issue written by Sandra Dinsmore, which describes the substance of an August lecture hosted by the Marine Environmental Research Institute. I use such adjectives because the entire corps of such organizations as the government sponsored health

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False Claims

To the editor: This is in response to Philip Conkling’s “Global Warming — Fact or Hoax” [WWF Aug. 2006] and Ray Rhinehart’s subsequent letter on same [WWF Sept. 06]. As I read Conkling’s essay, I felt I was at last reading an even-handed treatment of a subject which the media, by and large, had resolved

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More on Mercury

To the editor: In the article, “Three Scientists Warn against Eating Seafood” (WWF Sept. 06) it was stated that what was promoted as a panel discussion by “three public health experts” on “the pros and cons of eating wild and farmed fish from the Gulf of Maine and other regions of the world” turned out

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More Sandy Oliver!

To the editor: I write to tell you how much I enjoy the Working Waterfront/Inter Island News. My husband and I are members of the Island Institute, so we get your publication all year long. As we are long-time summer people in Friendship, and care deeply about the lobster industry, your newspaper keeps us in

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Through Many Neighborhoods

To the editor: In response to “Risks of LNG” by Robert Godfrey [letters, WWF Sept. 06]… This pipeline is over 30″ (think hula-hoop size) and is an export line with 1440-psi pressure. Robert Godfrey wrote it is being built “east of Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada.” [This pipeline will pass through] many neighborhoods, many schools,

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Unnecessary Action

To the editor: As a 30-year resident of Maine and a regular summer vacationer on Monhegan, I am compelled to share my thoughts on an issue with which [The Maine Land Use Regulation Commission] has somehow gotten involved. As you are aware, the “Fish House” on the island has been the home of fishing and

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