Folino’s Folly a love letter in stone

Eighty-five-year-old Buddy Folino loves Stonington. Not content with a successful laser-etched granite presentation welcoming visitors to the area at the Caterpillar Hill scenic turnout on Route 15 in Sedgwick, he now wants to place a similar set of laser-etched granite blocks explaining Stonington and its varied fisheries somewhere on the town’s waterfront. He calls his

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When Big Boys Camp

A kid dreams of what life could hold, in a world full of possibility, and what’s that kid say? Well, a kid of the male gender might speculate, “When I’m a big boy, I’ll…” And that way of imagining and fantasizing possibility is what the group who have dubbed themselves the Big Boys seem to

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“Gray Zone” questions persist

The Grand Manan Fishermen’s Association (GMFA) has produced a new fishery management plan for the “Gray Zone,” the disputed triangular area between Grand Manan and the Maine coast. “We’d really like it to be a joint management plan with Maine fishermen,” says GMFA project manager Melanie Sonnenberg. But that’s not likely to happen anytime soon.

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Province stalls Newfoundland fish plant deal

Newfoundland’s largest seafood processor, Fishery Products International, Inc. planned to resume union talks following an impasse during which the company tried to sell one of its contentious plants but was thwarted by the province. FPI was deadlocked for months over wages in talks with the Fish, Food and Allied Workers union that represents the workers.

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