Isle au Boat Co.

Isle au Haut Boat Co.–During the summer from June 13 to Sept. 10, Isle au Haut Boat Co., which operates the mailboat between Stonington and two locations on Isle au Haut, runs daily excursions. The company’s morning cruise departs Stonington at 9 a.m. and rerturns at 10 a.m. weekdays. An afternoon cruise leaves at 2

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Council to tag lobsters caught in Maine

Maine’s lobster promotion council recently launched a new consumer protection program to ensure what’s marketed as “Maine lobster” is “the real thing.” The council is now distributing ID tags bearing the federally registered trademark “Certified Maine Lobster” to lobster dealers throughout the state. The front of the tag is imprinted with the picture of a

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Three scientists warn against eating seafood

“From the day of birth to menopause, women should be careful about their consumption of seafood.” “When you’re feeding your children, you’re feeding your grandchildren: the contaminants get passed on.” “Anybody who eats lobster tomalley is really on their own.” “Don’t eat anything out of the Hudson River, ever.” “There are ten times the amount

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